Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ramping up into Catalyst...

I've been reading and studying for next weekend. However, I'm getting ready to pick up a college pastor in Normal, Adam Sikorski, and head for lunch. Then, off to the airport...Catalyst!! I'm truly pumped about connecting with some of the speakers and getting ideas for Target 2010.

All of this would be perfect if only one thing was different. If my family was joining me! At a time when quality time hasn't been at it's best, I'm leaving again. This has been planned since January, way before the 10 regional banquets were scheduled. It makes it rough, but the worst will be over at the end of this week.

All I can say is, "the speakers better bring it"!!!! I'll keep everyone posted.

1 comment:

Erik Scottberg said...

i'm jealous. have a great trip.