Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I was thinking...

As I travel the state of Illinois trying to do my best to promote missions, I have had the opportunity to express some of the thoughts that I have written about in the last few blogs. The whole subject of community and that being on a journey with someone makes it that much more rich. I have to admit, I've been quite blessed by the receptivity. It would appear to me that all of us are looking for genuine relationships. Of course, that's stating the obvious.

So, if that is true (which I believe it is), then why don't we pursue those relationships more often? What is it about us that makes us hold back or stay individualized? Maybe I should take a moment to be transparent and tell on myself. For me, I think the times I have chosen to seclude myself has been directly related to one of two issues. Broadly speaking of course (there's always exceptions to the rule). The first being times that life and ministry are going well. When you are on top of the mountain, it doesn't seem that I need as much help. (Contrary to what my wife thinks...she says I need all the help I can get =0) jk) The second is when I feel like I am strapped for time. We all could be better time managers.

Why mention these things? I think we all should take time to reflect and better understand each other. When I'm on the mountain or strapped for time, it could be the very moment someone needs the most attention. I think I want to allow myself the permission and freedom to see beyond my own circumstance. To realize the times that seem most difficult, could in fact be filled with the riches of memories. I can certainly remember many incredible moments that came at inconvenient times. I pray the Lord brings more...AND that I don't miss it!

I was just thinking...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. I think sometime we allow ourselves to get too busy and we forget the people that are most important.


2. Youth Pastors forget that they need fellowship with other YP's, but those relationship need to be intentional, because we're called of God to reach a generation, not just our our little "youth group".

Good post.