It's been great meeting with the camp commitee today. It is a relief to know that there's a group of leaders that love camp and the students as much as I do. Let me tell you, that's a lot.
We discussed a lot of the basics of camp and how to make them better. Whether it be the administration or activities, each one of us are truly invested to see the largest amount of life change as possible.
It's a pleasure to call all these guys friends!! I know this for sure, our summer camps are going to become some of the best in the country. Maybe you have a comment about camp. Leave a comment and we'll be sure to dialogue about it. It's all for the camper and the lives being changed forever.
Camp......aaaahhhhh. There is a soothing joy found in that word. I can't wait for camp. I think some new activities at camp would be cool. Like: bungee jumping, or base diving, or parachuting, OR Whirly Ball, can we get a Whirly ball place there at camp? Now that would be sweet. Also there needs to be a bigger prize for the winners than a pool party and cold pizza, I don't know what that would be....but that in itself is getting redundant and old.
i had a blast at camp staff.
i thought the discussion was incredible this year.
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