Have you ever seen a picture and thought that it resembled you or how you feel?
Yesterday I had a great conversation with a friend of mine. The truth be told, I have been on the road a tremendous amount of late. As always, the one's closest to you pay the biggest price. Anyway, at the end of our conversation he said, "I'm just thinking of your family, don't over do it". So, once I hung up the phone, I began to evaluate. Am I sacrificing my family for the sake of work? We all know that the work never completely gets done.
On another note, I went home after work and was hugging and loving on my kids. My daughter Karyssa had tears in her eyes because she found out that daddy was leaving again. Some things I can't change, however, this one I can. Of course, the person I contacted to cancel was the most understanding person in the world.
Tonight just became date night. Just me and the family!! We should all probably do more of this, huh?
For now, just relax!!
ok that got me, thanks for the cry
Good for you.
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