Wednesday, December 31, 2008


It's the last day of 2008 and I'm having some final reflections before the beginning of a new year. To say the least, 2009 will prove to be eventful, exciting, and full of change. I thought I would add some thoughts on community this time.

The community I'm talking about is the one when a group of people decide to pursue life together. I guess that is why like blogging and twittering so much. It gives you a snapshot into people lives even though they may live far away. It must be similar to someone's diary, only public. =0) It's been incredible to follow some of the greatest leaders around and experience life with them. I can't wait to see what God will do throughout 2009. Let's pursue life like never before. I don't think any of us should settle for second best. Especially when you have the community it takes to see things we have never seen before.

Friday, December 26, 2008


So... Yesterday I decided to be completely unplugged and spend time with the family. This was more than my immediate family, it included lots of extended family members. It's something that I should do more often.

I have often listened to others agree that each of us need a break from technology. It seems strange that it has become such a part of everyday life. Whether it be blogging, twittering, or even facebook, they are all time consuming! They take away from the opportunities to spend quality time with the ones you love (border line mushy). Sometimes it's vital to push it all away and just focus on what matters!!!!

Don't forget to unplug sometime this holiday season and spend some QT with someone you love!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


It's been an amazing few days as God continues to challenge my thinking in so many areas. I can't imagine my life without the constant interruptions that He provides.

Today's thought is pretty simple. I was challenged with the idea of self-worth. Where does it come from and why? Do I have value because of what I accomplish? Some would say yes. However, is there something so much more that we are missing.

I know for myself, I often evaluate my day according to what tasks I have completed and how many of those items were checked off my list. I'm pretty sure that's not the place God wants me to find my value or self-worth. I guess it goes back to the beginning when God looked at Adam and said he was going to have to work for a living (paraphrased). I can't imagine what that moment must have been like.

Since then we have had such a skewed understanding of where our value comes from. The reality is, there's neither enough that we can do, nor enough that we could have that would equal value. Truth is, our value comes just being ourselves, you know, the person God created you to be. God enjoys the simple interactions! He looks at us and would say we are all priceless!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Merging of Two Generations...

Recently I was challenged by someone regarding the vast differences in the culture today as compared to 10-20 years ago. Today we tvo whatever we want to watch, then watch it at our convenience. I know this will date me, but I remember the days when we had a black and white TV and I was my dads remote control. Talk about crazy!?!

I honestly feel like it's a mantle that I carry. The mantle of bridging two generations that are nothing alike. It's impossible to understand each other because their lifestyles are COMPLETELY different. Let me mention just a few: CEO vs. Team styles of leadership, lecture vs. image driven presentations, and even overhead transparencies (which were advanced for their time) vs. multi-projector/screens. Come on now, today we are using high definition video camera compared to the 8mm films that no one could afford. How do we merge these two cultures?

It's in the exists because of the other. It's amazing to see the product that comes from the merging of generations. I wish young leaders would give more honor to those who have paved the way for them. Likewise, I wish some older leaders would be open and willing to try new methods. It speaks to the leadership principle that I mentioned a few blogs ago. If you want to build something that lasts, you have to be willing to change what you build. We can't expect something to last forever without allowing it to evolve.

What's the answer? I feel honored to have the opportunity to try and help the merging of two generations...

Friday, December 19, 2008

What should I do?...

Christmas is right around the corner and I'm trying to decide what to do.

Curiosity is getting the best of me. How many out there are going to go "unplugged" for Christmas day. That means no net, twitter, blogs, or anything else. I mean how I do find out what everyone is getting? I don't know what I should do.

So, take a minute and respond through twitter (direct message if you choose) or comment on this blog. You can even email if you should choose. What will you be doing?

What should I do?...

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I thought I would add some more thoughts regarding the subject a few days ago. The blog was about being "on the journey together". There's been quite a bit rush through my mind over the last couple weeks. Mostly, an inner voice calling out to me to spend my time doing the things that are timeless. For example, the investment made in people is timeless. Regardless of distance, can people really be separated? I know I am on the brink of being mushy and thank God, that's not my personality. Think about it though, there's not enough miles to separate people who care for one another. I find myself wanting to be a part of that culture. The culture where people come first. A culture where I keep my mind on the eternal and not the temporary. Oh well, just thoughts...I guess!?!

I'll end by saying I want to be a part of something much bigger than myself. Part of something that brings life and not death. Spending my energy on what is timeless...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Random Thoughts Pt. 2...

I'm not sure why I'm doing this again, but I thought I would offer some more random thoughts. I didn't received any feedback regarding small towns, so maybe if I mention some thoughts on leadership, I'll get A response. =0) By the way, the picture has nothing to do with the blog. I just thought my back yard looked scenic this morning. You can't really see the snow falling, but it was beautiful!

Okay, back to some random thoughts about leadership:

1. There's four factors in keeping a vibrant relationship with God (I'm sure there's more, but these are my four). They would include reading His Word, praying, community with each other, and serving Him with each other.

2. When considering the different angles and voices we speak from. I think it is more important to speak from a voice of selflessness, than a voice that HAS to be heard.

3. I always have to keep in perspective that I impact the non-christians view of God.

4. Helping people experience God is just as important, if not more important, than the context of God.

5. This one is for the control freaks out there. The only thing we can control in a given situation is ourselves.

6. For us to build something that lasts, we always have to be willing to change what we build. We have the tendency to think something should last longer than it does.

7. There's three true statements about momentum: we have it, we're losing it, or we've lost it.

8. We have to train ourselves to be future thinkers. It's vital we don't always evaluate things through the lens of the past.

9. Relevance is being close to the issue at hand.

10. It doesn't take a leader to kill something that's failing; it DOES, however, take a leader to change and turn around something that is not working.

These are from a variety of lessons I have attained from other leaders, as well as some of my own.

I would be interested in push back and comments on these as well!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Random Thoughts...

I've had a friend of mine write blogs which are quite often labeled "Random Thoughts". So, I thought I would share a few of my own. I would have photoshopped the picture and put my face in it if I had more time. These are for small towns...

Well, here I go:

1. When a machine breaks at the drycleaners, it means you won't get your clothes back for at least two weeks!

2. People find it productive to advertise on the local gas station sign.

3. When local businessmen go on vacation, it's mentioned in the newspaper. That way people know when they can eat there again. =0)

4. If your grass is higher than 4 inches, the police can come write you a citation.

5. People gather for local delicacies...rocky mountain oysters.

6. People you don't know show up at your door, come in, and seem to never leave.

7. The highlight of shopping in town is the local Walmart.

8. People gather at the town square on Friday's during football season to eat porkchop sandwiches. (local fundraiser) They ARE good!!

9. The local theater has two screens to show movies. Of course the second one is a big screen TV.

10. Last, but not least, even though you purchase your home, you don't own it for 20 years. You are always referred to as living in the previous owners house. I live in the Luttman's house...=0)

All these are hilarious, but COMPLETELY true. I'm interested in some of your comments.

Friday, December 12, 2008

On the Journey Together...

As I sit here typing, I find myself feeling extremely blessed. Although I realize I haven't written much in the last week besides tweets on twitter, I have not been lost to reflect and begin to count my many blessings that God has provided. Even though I could begin to give name to each of them, I have decided to give attention to a thought, rather than a specific blessing.

I've always considered life to be journey. In fact I look at my relationship with God much the same way. When I begin to look at my blessings in this context, I begin to realize just how rich a life that I have been granted. What has made my life rich has not been possessions. It's been the wide variety of people that God has given me favor to experience life with. It still amazes me how a song or a smell can bring back the most vivid of memories. The memories experienced but for a moment, however, will last in my mind and heart for a lifetime.

If you're reading this, it could be very possible that some of my memories include you. I want to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for making my life rich! In the myriad of thoughts that quickly pass by, I don't want to forget what has made my life special. What has made my journey special is the people I've been able to share it with.

So, if you happen across this blog, take a moment to appreciate each of your blessings. I know that God's greatest blessing often come in the strangest of packages. Yet, I think that is what makes them so spectacular! Thank you Lord for my Journey and the many friends that I have shared it with!!!

It about being "on the journey together"!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Traveling again...

Today is one of my last trips for the 2008 year. Traveling has certainly become part of the common day in and day out activities. At least I get to bring my wonderful wife with me this time.

I am off to Columbus, OH for convention and camp planning. I will have the opportunity to connect with other directors from across the United States to hear and discuss what is working best.

I have to come to understand that effectiveness is usually connected to one's willingness to listen to other people and their experience. Wouldn't we all be better people if we could learn more from listening than having to experience it for ourselves. I pray I am able to walk away with tons of ideas of how to connect students better to God's plan for their lives.

Crazy, but I'm traveling again...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Do you ever get tired of things staying the same? I know for me, change is something that I always want to be open to and ready to embrace.

Lately, I feel like change is all around me and I'm waiting to see where this journey is going to take me. What's next? What will it involve? Will it be exciting and feel like it was worth my time and efforts? What will it look like? Really, do others evaluate things like this?

Although I don't know where tomorrow is going to lead sometimes, I know that there's not a lot of reason to worry. I know the author of my life and He will certainly take care of me. However, I also know there are many that hate change. My wife is one. Is there really a balance?

For someone who cries out for change as much as I do, right now I feel like I need a seat belt. I'm tired, yet exhilarated!! Although I have no idea where change will take me, I can't wait to see the other side. I want it to stretch me and force me to look outside the norm. It should challenge my thinking. Otherwise, was it really worth it. I want to look back and feel like the time and energy used was worth it's weight in gold! That I am a better person for it!


Monday, November 24, 2008

Too many leaves...

Wow, what a weekend. I never thought I would ever finish raking all our leaves in our backyard! I guess I should say blow with the leaf blower. After 13 hours and lots of sore muscles (what few I have), I have finally finished.

How many times do we begin a job not knowing how long it will take? It reminds me of how many of us as men are. What I mean is that we begin a job (home improvement most of the time) thinking it will take 3 days. Then, once we finally finish it, we realize that it took 3 weeks, 3 times the cost, and someone who knew what they were doing to finish it. Too funny! =0)

Sometimes I think I should do a better job counting the cost. I'm not trying to make this something spiritual, it just seems to me that I get myself stuck too often. Then I work like crazy to get it all done. Like this weekend, I thought I would be in the yard 5-6 hours and it turns out that I was out there two days straight. Of course, it would warm up the day after I finish. =0)

Anyway, I should have planned better. All I can say is that there were too many leaves...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thanksgiving preparation...

This morning I spoke in our weekly chapel service about giving thanks in all circumstances. This is the video I was able to share.

So, regardless of what's going on in your life, cause I know it's not always great, stop and give thanks for what you do have. I think most of my preparation is making sure I don't lose sight of what the day is really about.

Thanksgiving preparation...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A favorite passtime...

I've had several people often ask why I would choose to hunt. Then it occurs to me that I think the majority of people haven't truly spent a lot of time in the outdoors. It really makes me feel blessed to come from the family that I have. We didn't have much, but deer hunting was an annual event. I've decided to try and let people in a little. To see a small piece of my life. I basically have two hobbies (maybe three - love riding the motorcycle). They are golf and hunting. Deer hunting to be more specific. Obviously, both having to do with the outdoors. There's just something about being in God's creation and experiencing it all first hand. I've had deer so close I could touch them with my finger. Anyway, I love to watch just how beautiful it really is. To watch nature in it's purest form. It makes me wonder how people could possibly think there is not a God. Well, I've shot one this year already and hopefully this afternoon will bring number two! A nice 10 point buck would be great. Regardless, I'll have fun watching the smaller deer pass by.

Truly, it's a favorite passtime...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Rainy days...

It's been a couple days since I have sat down to blog. I've had the opportunity to travel and speak at a youth ministry as well as meet with some college pastors from across the state of IL. It's been well worth the effort!

Today, it's just a rainy day. I had a hard time getting up and an even harder time going to work. I sit in my office thinking about all that needs to be done, yet not wanting to do any of it. I hope I'm not getting into a rut.

I find myself thinking about choices today. I have said over and over that regardless of our feelings, making a wrong decision never becomes right. I've always said it in the form of a question, "when does the wrong decision become right?". As I examine my own statement, I have begun thinking of the opposite implication. When does the right decision become wrong? Of course, I realize the answer is never. However, I also know I struggle with it sometimes. Sometimes I want to respond in a way that feels justified and not necessarily right. I've shared all that to say I hope I always respond to situations and people in a way that brings honor to God.

Just some reflections on a rainy day...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Stuck in the office...

I'm not sure how others feel, but there are days I feel like I am stuck in the office. These are different than the days that I have a lot to do and seems like I can never leave. What I am talking about are the days you feel like there are a million places you would rather be. The times when it becomes increasingly more challenging to stay focused. Today is truly one of those days. I feel like I am on the inside looking out wanting to do anything different. Of course, that was not an option today. Oh well, at least it's not everyday that I am stuck in the office...

Monday, November 10, 2008


I have to admit, I've really become more aware of my surroundings since I have began to travel so much. It seems that regardless where my travels take me, everyone has something to say. At least they think they do.

Most of the time, their messages are on display through the use of signs. For some odd reason, today it just kind of popped out at me. It's like we live an ongoing advertisement. Really, an advertisement for whatever a given person is selling.

Each person has their own unique way to communicate their messages. For example, I have heard sermon after sermon talking about the signs of our time. You know the ones, get right now or burn in hell. I have also read tons of ridiculous church signs too. Some funny, however, most judgmental in some sort of way. None can compare to today! I was driving by a Catholic Church and the building next to it had a hilarious sign. It said, "Virgin Chiropractic". Oh my, it made me laugh pretty hard. I'm not sure that the church and the chiropractic office are connected in any way, but the sign was worth the laugh.

I've said all this to throw the question out, what are we selling? At the least, what are we advertising? Is it self seeking? Does it communicate love, acceptance, forgiveness, etc... Hmm, I don't know that I measure up. All I can say is that I want to do my best to communicate what is pure and right. When people look at me, they see someone advertising a better way of life. A life that is more incredible because of Who created it, not because of what I can get from it.

Anyway, a few thoughts from my day. It has at least caused me to pause and wonder what I have been communicating.


Friday, November 7, 2008


I'm so thankful that God continues to give me job security. It seems that no matter how hard one might work, the work never gets done. I'm sure someone can relate to that!!

Well, as I sit in my office on a Friday evening getting ready to go home, I have pushed everything aside and decided it can all wait til Monday. It's not something I often do. I'll take my work home over the weekend and get a little done here and there as I try to also spend quality time with my wife and kids. Not this time...I'm leaving it all behind. =0)

I probably need to evaluate this type of thing more often. I tend to be a person who will work 100 hours a week just to make sure I am always ahead of the game (as if it were a game). Sometimes it's important to just say no...not my specialty. Anyhow, I'm going to try and have a blast with the family and take a rest!

Yes, rest...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This was funny...

I know people might get sick of these kind of blogs, but I can't help it. Sometimes living in small town America is funny. Why not pass it along?

This was funny...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Take a look...

Alright, I thought I would also include a picture of the amazing food I had to joy of eating. On this plate is Luceon Asada, which is pulled pork with a special sauce of garlic, oil, sweet onions, and lime juice (Amazing!!). Then there is black beans and rice, yuca, tostones, and fried sweet plantains. for some it might not seem like much, but it is out of this world.

Don't forget to eat at Victor's 1959 Cafe' anytime you are in Minneapolis, MN!!

The best restaurant ever...

The reason I haven't blogged in a while is because of a busy trip to Minneapolis. I was there attending tons of meetings as well as other appointments. I can't say that I love the drive, however, I love the food!!

One of my favorite restaurants is a small hole in the wall found in a local neighborhood of Minneapolis. The name of the place is Victor's 1959 Cafe'. This particular place has the best Cuban food I have found anywhere! The owners, of course, are from Cuba and do an amazing job preparing the food. It's not how fancy it is, it's how incredible it tastes.

I have to admit that I have a weakness for trying new things. Whether it be food, places, or even activities that cause your adrenaline to begin to rush. It's one of my qualities that allows me to be privied to some awesome experiences, but also experience some pretty nasty things at times. This place is a 10 on a scale from 1-10. You can see in the picture that people are lined up outside for a seat. Waiting forever to eat their food!!

Like I said, it's the best restaurant ever...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Looking to the future...

I've been in Minneapolis, MN attending board meetings today. It will continue through tomorrow as we begin to evaluate the past and current circumstances and then dream for the future of the university. It's been an eye opening experience that forces one to reflect on their own life and experiences.

One of these reflections has been asking myself the question, "am I doing what God has created me to do during this time frame of my life". I believe I can say yes to that more today than I could a year ago. I have been evaluating the lack of relationships among Illinois youth pastors. It's not that they don't want relationships, it's just that it hasn't been facilitated strong enough. I dream for the day when ALL church leaders come together regardless of creed. A time when those without a relationship with their Creator are the absolute priority. A time when fraternity and relationship are not buzz words, but a desire we pursue. A day when leaving someone behind is NOT an option.

Like I said, I'm looking to the future...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Great time traveling...

I would have to say that this weekend has been tiring! I loaded up the family and headed to St. Louis to celebrate my wife's birthday. That means her favorite restaurants, some shopping, and having fun quality time with the kids. We had PF Chang's for lunch and I think I could eat there every meal. Then we took our kids to the Science stuff. We weren't able to see half of it, but the kids had a blast. Then some shopping at the Galleria and dinner at the Cheesecake factory! What a Saturday...I'm waiting until later this week to weigh myself!! =0)

Sunday we found ourselves in Collinsville, IL for the kick off of a missions convention. We were able to plug our missions emphasis, Speed the Light, and honor the church for all their efforts. I then took the family home and headed to Industry, IL for an evening youth service. That's were I took the picture. I thought it was a good pic, so I took it while I was driving. Don't do this yourself, I am a professional! =0) Like I said, a crazy weekend, yet, great time traveling...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

FINALLY in single digits...

It's been a long hard road, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I have to admit, I feel like I have had a ton of support. Mostly from my wife, Debbie! She been amazing and looks fantastic. She's lost over 30 pounds, which encourages (out of shame) me to stay on task and not give up. I have nine pounds to go before I reach my original goal of weight loss, although, I think I would like to lose 5 or 6 more after that. Regardless, I hope I can stay on track!

Finally in single digits...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One more blog for the day...

I had to add one more blog for the day!! I was driving home the other day and saw a sign that said Happy Birthday, Feather! Now, again, I put that in the same category as "Happy Anni Porky and Suz", laughed to myself and continued to drive. Today, I just couldn't help but share my laughter. Of course, all these have been on the same sign at the gas station.

You can read it for yourself, "Happy BDay to our daughter". Now is this for every daughter in C'ville? If I were to take the effort and time to put it on the sign (which I would not, at least at a gas station) I think I would at least let people know who my daughter is. How would my daughter know if I did it just for her? I don't know, it's probably just me!

I just had to do one more blog for the day...


Our speaker, Robert Madu, was off the chain! He reminded me of a christian Chris Rock. Well, not exactly! He has to be one of the premiere speakers of our time. He never lost the students attention and brought them to a place of life change. I would recommend him to anyone!!

What a great weekend...

What a great weekend!! Since this was the very first Momentum Convention, I can't imagine being much happier. Could some things have been better? Of course! In the grand scheme of things, however, it was a huge win for IYCM!!

We have receive phone calls, emails, text messages, and even emails to the radio station that promoted it for us to say thank you and relay how much they loved it!

Like I said, what a great weekend...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Building 429...

This morning I'm highlighting our lead band for our Friday night concert. It's been great getting to know some of the guys and look forward to them ministering to the students. Here is a tidbit from their website.

Some artists are a slow burn, quietly honing their skills while churning out albums of craftsman-quality tunes, and slowly building an intensely loyal fan base through commitment and perseverance. Other artists seem to drop into the public consciousness fully formed, their debut project so perfectly crafted that you wonder where they came from ... and where they could possibly go from here. Then, occasionally, you find an artist like Building 429, who epitomizes both traits – the proverbial ten years in the making overnight success.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Go Tribe...

Alright, I know this is my third blog today...oh well!

Seth Godin, the author of ten best sellers and the CEO of, has written a book titled, "Tribes". If this picture doesn't depict a tribe in a snapshot, I don't know what does. He says that a tribe is a group of people connected to one another. With the internet eliminating the barriers of geography, cost, and time, tribes are getting bigger and bigger.

In my opinion, however right or wrong it may be, Apple's tribe has to be one of the largest. I am a proud member, even though some might consider us to be snooty!?! (Evan)

Go Tribe!!

Our speaker for convention...

It's going to be great having Robert Madu speak at this years Momentum Convention. He is one of the premiere voices in today's generation to communicate God's truths.

He has travel internationally as well as nationally through churches, youth ministries, and school assemblies. God certainly has gifted him with the ability to minister to people of all races and cultures.

His passion and desire is to see people come to understand God's incredible love for them and their future. It's going to be great to have Robert as part of our team this year!

People are missing out...

I know I said that I was going to highlight some of the line-up for convention this year, and I will, but I wanted to just point out another incredible product. I have been a believer for quite a while...and it amazing me how closed some people are to trying it. Too funny!! People are missing out...

In the words of Seth Godin and his book, "Tribes", I'm definitely a member!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This time of year is surrounded by two main thoughts. Momentum, which is our state youth convention, and spending time with other youth leaders from across the state. I have to say that I am super excited about what is going to happen this year and the line-up that we have. I wanted to highlight some of that line-up over the next couple days.

Today's highlight consists of a good friend of mine who is providing comedy for all our general sessions. His name is Scott Gregory and he's from Indianapolis. If I were to pick one thing that I love about Scott the most is his servant attitude. It has never been about him, but how he can serve the event/pastor the best! Servanthood is a quality that seems less and less normal.

He's one of the funniest guys I know! He's had shows with some no-names like Jeff Foxworthy and Tim Allen. =0) Plus, he has the pure heart to impact and change lives!! How can we go wrong? Momentum with Scott will be incredible!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Coming home...

Finally, I'm coming home...

It's been a long couple months with all the traveling that I've been doing. Sometimes you look at it and wonder if it's all been worth it. It's hard to know, however Catalyst has been a tremendous investment for the life of my leadership.

Although the time in Atlanta has been a great investment, coming home is priceless. Time with my wife and kids has been a very missed blessing. Andy Stanley had some comments to say about the subject. I pray God helps me be the best husband and father that I can be. My family certainly deserves the best! We all know that the work never ends anyway.

Friday, October 10, 2008


What an amazing time here at Catalyst! It has been amazing to sit and be taught by this incredible group of leaders. I thought I would take some time to share some of my reflections...

1. If you want to build something that lasts, you have to be willing to change whatever you build.

2. Churches that are not open to change are not open to what is sacred and timeless.

3. It doesn't take a leader to kill something that's not working! It DOES take a leader to change what is not working.

4. Three areas to evaluate and reflect on our moral character are: forgiveness, family, and finances. They will provide the feedback necessary to determine our success.

5. There has to be an alignment between our creed and deed. What we say needs to match what we do!

6. Sometimes we need to persevere to hold on to our promises from God, even when we can't currently see anything.

7. Culture rarely changes due to protest or judgment. It requires influence through relationship.

8. We need to line up our finances with God's Word! (Rocket science, huh?)

9. We all should be obligated to take what we learn and put it into practice!

10. When people come together, they can accomplish so much more than they can on their own. Surprising!?!

I pray I take these things and more and become the world changer God created me to be! This was but a few of the timeless truths that will continue to provide direction to my future in ministry.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another great day at Catalyst...

Yesterday's labs and today's sessions; where do I begin. I'll just say this, another great day at Catalyst...

Today started with Andy Stanley and the life up was incredible. One particular speaker today, Steve Furtick, was off the hook. He's 28 and has planted a church in Charlotte, NC. Two and a half years into it, they are running 2,500. Incredible testimony as well as commitment to make it work. He really spoke an inspiring message to us as pastors.

Today, I'm sure, will be as great as today. Until then, I'm off to bed!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Have you ever been in a situation that you wish everyone you know could have shared with you?

Today I have been definitely stretched...seriously! My favorite of the day was Reggie Joiner. Second would be a split between either the author of "The Shack" William Paul Young, or Perry Noble! Paul's time was filled with deep spiritual truths that forced you to look outside the box. Perry's was extremely real and encouraging. He re-enforced the need to take risks...awesome!

I always knew that Catalyst would be incredible, but this has been more than that. I am only struggling with being away from the family. Lord keep them and wrap your loving arms around them. Amen!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ramping up into Catalyst...

I've been reading and studying for next weekend. However, I'm getting ready to pick up a college pastor in Normal, Adam Sikorski, and head for lunch. Then, off to the airport...Catalyst!! I'm truly pumped about connecting with some of the speakers and getting ideas for Target 2010.

All of this would be perfect if only one thing was different. If my family was joining me! At a time when quality time hasn't been at it's best, I'm leaving again. This has been planned since January, way before the 10 regional banquets were scheduled. It makes it rough, but the worst will be over at the end of this week.

All I can say is, "the speakers better bring it"!!!! I'll keep everyone posted.

Monday, October 6, 2008


A few weeks ago I mentioned a micro-blog called twitter and said I would say more about it later. Well, today is later and I really don't have much else to write today! =0)

I started blogging no so long ago with the idea that I could help others stay connected to me and be a part of my life through it. Since then, I have discovered twitter. An online micro-blog that functions much like the status bar of Facebook. A person accumulates followers and designates people they are following so there is a constant update of their "status". Now, I know that I have made this very simple for all those tech's out there, but this is how I see the function of twitter. I've said all that to say that I feel more connected to people's lives now than ever. I get updates on what they are doing, funny moments, and even a goodnight Johnboy at the end of the day.

If there is anyone out there that feels like they would like to stay more connected to those close to you, I would definitely recommend twitter. A combination of blogging, showing status, and IM all in one. A since of community that is well worth the effort!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Plugging away...

Well, I'm away from the family again. Yesterday, I took our Youth Alive Missionary, Mike Trevino, out to play golf for his birthday. It was a good day. Anytime you shoot a 77, it's a good day. It should have been a 75, but I double bogeyed 18 trying to go for an eagle. I hit it in the water to end up with a double! Sucks to be me...

Today, I kicked off the teen bible quiz season. I'm attending Stone Creek Church's Saturday evening's service tonight. Teaching at a class in the morning, then attending a Central Region Banquet tomorrow night. Then, I'll race home to kiss my kids before leaving again Monday. Crazy,huh? Oh well, I'll keep plugging away...knowing the crazy travel schedule is almost over!!

No kidding...

People have often teased me saying that it can't be that bad living in C'ville. Well, I will say that is not that bad. However, I have had a couple quite funny situations that have made me take a minute to reflect, then roll on the ground laughing. One in particular would have been early this last summer. I was pumping gas in my car and just watching traffic (What little there is in C'ville). A very small truck drives by (like one of those old very small Nissan's) and I did a double take. There was a boat in bed of the truck that was just as long as the truck itself. No was strapped down and leaning on the cab of the truck. So, it almost stood straight up in the air. Too funny!!

Recently, I have had the opportunity to meet one of my neighbors. His name was John, but no one would ever know that. Everyone who knows him calls him "Jelly". So, my neighbor is Jelly! Maybe I'll meet Peanut Butter soon...=0). Just when you think it can not get better than this, Debbe (my wife) and I are at the local Shell station pumping gas. And THIS sign was being displayed. So, with out taking a shot at yet another small town anomily, Happy Anniversary Porky and Suz (not that you'll read this).

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We have come a long way...

Last night was a great night hanging out with friends. We first went to Gameworks and played tons of video games together, but it didn't end there. We all went back to our hotel rooms and grabbed our computers to hang out some more.

I realize all the time that I don't know near enough about technology. This proved it!! It was a tech class just for me. Funny thing is, I still am way behind. All I can say is...we have come a long way. This internet thing might be taking off. =0) This was a picture of what the RAND Corporation (1954) thought the home computer would look like in 2004. Too Funny!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Crowder version...

A little better, huh?

Jesus is my friend...

Part of our day we were sharing funny videos or stories and this video was shared with our team. It was funny enough that I thought I should share with my friends...

Also, today a great time with our leadership team today. We evaluated events as well as planned for our future together. Our new slogan will be, "on the journey together". Having friendships and ministry partners is absolutely priceless!

I don't know why anyone would want to do it alone!

Leadership Council...

Wow, this has been a crazy weekend! I had a great time traveling with the family and speaking in Odin, IL. Again, it's amazing to see all the different cultures as I travel the state. So far I have found around 4. People leaving with in a couple hours proximity and their lives are led so different. Odin was definitely a traditional style church who truly has a passion for the lost. God gave me a word on reaching people close to you. Not targeting a certain age, but to begin reaching the people close to them. It's hard to ask a gray hair to reach a teenager, but they have to start somewhere.

Today I am in rainy Schaumburg, IL. I am here meeting with some great youth pastors and talking about the future of our ministries. I know it will prove to be productive time as well as a great time to be there for each other!! Having friends join you for the journey! It doesn't get any better than that!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Familiar sight...

It seems like this has become a familiar sight for me to look at, a hotel room. Sometimes alone, while others (like today), with the family. I have heard of people talking about homes away from home, but I don't think I'll ever look at a hotel room that way. Nothing could ever replace being at home.

What this does, however, is helps me appreciate home more. It helps me long for the nights I get to spend in my own bed! The time I get to share with the family! I always want to remember the blessings of home and family. I pray it's something we ALL never forget!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Just relax...

Have you ever seen a picture and thought that it resembled you or how you feel?

Yesterday I had a great conversation with a friend of mine. The truth be told, I have been on the road a tremendous amount of late. As always, the one's closest to you pay the biggest price. Anyway, at the end of our conversation he said, "I'm just thinking of your family, don't over do it". So, once I hung up the phone, I began to evaluate. Am I sacrificing my family for the sake of work? We all know that the work never completely gets done.

On another note, I went home after work and was hugging and loving on my kids. My daughter Karyssa had tears in her eyes because she found out that daddy was leaving again. Some things I can't change, however, this one I can. Of course, the person I contacted to cancel was the most understanding person in the world.

Tonight just became date night. Just me and the family!! We should all probably do more of this, huh?

For now, just relax!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

We're going to need more monkeys...

I have been sitting here in my office getting caught up before I begin traveling again (tomorrow). I have finally completed getting everything in order!

So, since I was finally able to stop and breathe, I thought I would catch up on reading the blogs of people who are closest to me. I have to admit, it hit me that while I was reading blogs and beginning to update this one, I was also twittering (microblog - will blog about a different day) with those who follow me. Seemed so ironic that community means something so much different than it used to. I certainly hope that this never replaces the personal time we purpose to spend with people. When I think of life's greatest memories, it always includes people more than events. Isn't that the way it should be? Although, I love staying connected so easily now!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I can't believe...

I can't believe what some people are made to live through. I had a friend of mine send some pictures of the damage done by Hurricane Ike. Absolutely unbelievable!

As you can see in the pictures (click on picture to see full size), areas were demolished. I try to imagine how I would respond to the tragedy and loss that these people have endured, but seem to come up empty. I don't think I could ever truly understand without experiencing it myself.

I can say this, we need to pray that this situation can give each of us the opportunity to help. To try and make a difference in these families lives. To look beyond ourselves so they can see God's love for them through us. Remember to keep these families in prayer. The storm has passed, but for some, it's just the beginning!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Third world country...

I was in a small town this weekend on the Iowa border speaking. The name of the town is Warsaw. The picture below are pics in Warsaw right beside the Mississippi River. It was a fun morning.

On another note, I was certainly an eye opener. I thought I lived in a small town (Carlinville, IL). There is one thing that traveling does for someone, it opens your eyes to what it is like in so many different regions.

I was twittering (an online microblog) and wrote that I was leaving Warsaw, then added I think it is a third world country. Now, we all know that is neither true, nor do I want people to think I didn't like the town. It's just different. Just like someone coming to Carlinville could feel the same. Believe me!! =0)

Right now I'm just thankful for the opportunity to meet new people all the time and speak into their lives. I hope I always speak the right things!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Neue is the new relevant for ministry leaders. I started my subscription and really look forward to seeing the new format as well as the new material. If you haven't checked it out yet, google it and give it a gander.

It's pretty cool that one of our own, Scott Hodges, has been asked to do some writing and blogging for them.

For us ministry leaders, is there anything more important than learning how to minister to our churches more effectively?

Starbucks in the GPS...

Driving down the road, yet again, I decided that I needed some caffeine and a chance to follow up with some emails. I punch in Starbucks on my GPS only to be led to the closest Panera. Seems odd? Something is certainly not right about this. I wonder how this could happen in the first place.

Anyway, I've sat down to catch up and relax for just a few minutes. After a speeding ticket last night and almost being ran off the road twice today, I am wondering if I have planned my schedule wrong...oh well, I am sitting down enjoying a quad shot latte!

After another banquet, I'll head home for a couple days. I am speaking in Warsaw, IL this Sunday so my short break from driving will only last around 36 hours. I'll take what I can get!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


In my traveling this week, I came across this sign and crashed plane. It struck me funny that someone would take the time and money necessary to make this happen. The cost to purchase and transport a crashed plane; then, have it set up as if it could have crashed there. The purchasing and installation of the sign being put in place. It all seems like a lot of work and money for something most people will never see. It's hidden on one of the back roads of IL that I just happened to be traveling.

I wonder how many times I haven't taken the time to give proper respect to something or someone? I think today was a life lesson for me. It never seems to fail, that everyday life is a classroom if I pay close enough attention.

Of course, with the crash in the stock market, I also pray it's something that everyone's investments live through!