I thought I would add some more thoughts regarding the subject a few days ago. The blog was about being "on the journey together". There's been quite a bit rush through my mind over the last couple weeks. Mostly, an inner voice calling out to me to spend my time doing the things that are timeless. For example, the investment made in people is timeless. Regardless of distance, can people really be separated? I know I am on the brink of being mushy and thank God, that's not my personality. Think about it though, there's not enough miles to separate people who care for one another. I find myself wanting to be a part of that culture. The culture where people come first. A culture where I keep my mind on the eternal and not the temporary. Oh well, just thoughts...I guess!?!
I'll end by saying I want to be a part of something much bigger than myself. Part of something that brings life and not death. Spending my energy on what is timeless...
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