Over and over during these last several months I have been challenged in my expectations of what God desires to accomplish in our lives, ministries, and communities. I was skimming through the book of Habakkuk one day during my personal time and reading this conversation between the author and God. In chapter three, the writer puts ink to paper and says this, "Lord, I have heard of you fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day". It was like God himself was breathing new life into me. I found myself asking this question, if God would choose to demonstrate His love and power then, then why not now? Since that day, I have seen multiple pastors and others use this verse as a slogan for what they are believing God for. Now, I do my best to always use good judgment in what I write. I don't ever want to come across as super spiritual or religious. With all that in mind, as we prepare for our fall convention, I find myself praying for God to renew himself in today's generation. That God would breathe life into us and we would not just hear of His greatest, but experience it first hand. I believe this generation will experience more than we have ever read or heard about. So, despite sounding religious, Lord, renew them in our day!!!!
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