Well, what can I say? I spent last night and early this morning with other graduates from my high school class. Class of 1988! Man am I old!!
It was quite the experience. I am trying to decide how to describe what it was like. Maybe someone can relate to this. You always have opinions on how people are going to turn out later in life. There are some classmates that you predict perfectly. They turn out exactly like you had imagined. Well, this reunion had some of those feelings, however, had just as many feelings of being completely wrong. Some I imagined would conquer the world and for what ever reason found value in a much simpler, yet wonderful, life. While others, you thought would just stay home and work an ordinary job (nothing wrong with that) and you find that they have been all over the world jumping out of helicopters to ski down a hill. It just goes to show that no matter how often we feel like we have all figured out, most of the time we don't.
I was also one of those statistics. Absolutely no one would have thought that I would have become a pastor. I'm not sure if that is good or bad. =0) Any how, I pray I keep MY perspectives in place. That I don't stereotype people and believe the best for each and every one of them; whatever that looks like to them. I also pray that I don't miss anything the Lord has for me. That in my pursuit of life, that I don't forget to stop and make sure I'm running in the direction that God created me to run.
I certainly had a great time seeing and reconnecting with those from my graduating class! I pray they receive God's best too!!