Friday, March 6, 2009


Transition...blessing or curse?

As I look ahead to the next several months, transition is about all I see. I had a wonderful conversation with a close friend last night and then spent several hours meditating on the idea of change. Good...Bad??? I came to this conclusion. If we want the things we build to last, we have to build them to change. Change should be a core value in all we do. I think we too often think the things we build should last longer than they do.

So, with all that in mind. I want to begin this new season with this in mind. Change is critical to mission, value, image, and faith. It should be built into the DNA of who we are and what we become. I know that there will be sacrifices along the way, but I think the difficulty experienced and the time spent will reap huge dividends!

Lastly, my mediation reminded me of one of my own core values. The reality that everyone matters and God has called me to leave His imprint on this world. I pray it's significant!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What Matters Most

Well, it's finally been announced and I am wondering what my new responsibilities will bring. There has been some restructuring in my position and I am giving leadership to our children's department as well as the youth. I'm sure we all try and prioritize our time, but it seems of the essence right now. What do I do first? What will make the biggest impact? Where should I devote the majority of my time? The questions keep coming.

I know that while there will never be enough time in a day to get all the work done, I find myself trying to make sure I take care of what is most important. For me it boils down to relationships...God, family, friends...etc So, I'm on my quest! I'm asking God to bring health to every area of my life. It's great to always know that His hand is NEVER too short.